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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Welcome to my hell

I decided to start this blog today because

1. I need an outlet for my stress

2. My dear husband said I should write a book, but I don't have time for that right now

3. To entertain other normal daycare providers in the world

Being a daycare provider sucks to say the least. All you parents of the world want everything in a beautiful little package that costs the least amount of money possible. I wonder how many people would take a job that pays about $2 hour for 11 hours a day and has these job requirements

-You must change your whole house to meet regulations that are there mostly because some idiot screwed up and had no common sense and now you need to suffer for their mistakes

-You must appear happy and presentable at 6 am when you are presented with a screaming child.

-You must appear presentable even though you will be snotted on, slobbered on, colored and painted on, have food smeared on you, possibly peed or pooped on, and be sweating throughout the day chasing around little bundles of joy.

-You will be required to make Breakfast, lunch and a snack for 12 kids. These meals must be nutritious and kids must like them (this isn't possible by the way) and try to keep in mind the kid who is allergic to some food, the kid whos parents "think" they are allergic to some food, the parent who wants organic (on $2/hour.......get real!!!!!), the parents who doesn't want you to serve that "hormone filled milk" (again, have you checked the prices lately???), and again you must remain a warm, loving person while doing all this and watching your dining area turn into a disaster zone.

-You will work from 6am to 6pm and sometimes you will have to work early or late and you will not be compensated for this. You also do not get any benefits. You can have sick days and vacation but people will complain and fuss when you actually want to use a sick day or take a vacation. You will have to call a minimum of 5 different people to get the time off and one of them WILL argue about paying you for this day.

-You will have to keep your home presentable and tidy even though you need to take care of kids, cook food, change diapers, teach and provide fun activities all day. Your home should be presentable at all times.

-Expect to change about 30 diapers a day and most of them will be poop filled stink bombs.

-You need to take these kids outside everyday even in winter. Try to come up with a way to make being outside in cold weather with 8 kids under 4-years-old fun and keep track of all mittens and hats that will come off at some point. And also remember that one of these is an infant that you need to hold the whole time.

-You will need to know how to write up legally binding contracts
-You must have accounting skills and know tax laws pertaining to be being self-employed and using your home as a business.
-It would be helpful to have a Psychology degree to help parents with their personal problems that they will tell you about and seek advice about. Don't expect to be compensated for this either.

-No bonuses, no evals, no pats on the back, no promotions

-And you will not be able to take a break during the day, no 1/2 hour lunch, no 15 minute, no nothing!

This list is not complete, so be sure to be skilled and prepared for anything :)