We wanted to try cloth diapers to help save us money and because of environmental reasons, but I didn't want to double my work load or spend a fortune. I had been looking casually at the different options, but never really got serious about it because we just didn't have the money to invest in them.
About two months ago I sold something on
craigslist and the women who came to pick it up mentioned that she was heading over to
Peapods. I said that I really liked that store (and a few restaurants near by) and asked what she was going there for. She said she had to pick up some more cloth diaper supplies. Of course that lead to me asking quite a few questions, but by that evening I had forgotten the details of her answers. That evening I also checked my email and saw that that lovely Mom had written out exactly what I would need to start cloth diapering and some very helpful tips!! She said to get everything we needed to diaper our twins from now until potty training it would cost us about $200. I thought that was amazing and started to look into things a little closer, read reviews and become more informed.
We decided to head on over to
Peapods to see what they had and ask some questions. I was fairly certain that I was going to go with the
flip diaper system, but I wanted to hear a professional opinion first and make sure there wasn't anything I was missing. The women that helped us was fantastic! She went through every type/option that was available and answered all of our questions. The last option she showed us were the flip diapers and I was sold.
The reason I liked them so much was because they seemed like the easiest to use and were also the most cost-effective, in my opinion. We decided to go with two
Day Packs. Each day pack comes with two covers and six microfiber inserts for $49.95, and these are adjustable so we never have to buy them again. So in theory, we should never have to buy diapers again. The sales women at the store recommended buying more than we did, but my mother-in-law was buying them for us and I didn't want to be greedy and I honestly thought the two packs would be just fine. It just means I have to wash them every night. We also got a pack of the
disposable inserts for when we are out and about. You can just buy a wet bag to use when you are out, but having twins I am already short on space in the diaper bag. The disposable inserts haven't gotten the best reviews, but I haven't had any major issues yet. We did want to get a wet laundry bag for at home, but they were too expensive at
Peapods and so I purchased a
Fuzzi Bunz In and Out Mess Free Diaper Bag on
Craigslist and 8 cloth wipes for $15 and I absolutely love the bag. My husband likes it so much he wants me to try and find another so we can have one in our downstairs bathroom as well.
We have been using them for a good week and a half and I can say that so far, I am very happy with them. We do use a
Huggies overnight diaper for bedtime because it is just plain easier for us and I don't have enough inserts to double up for overnights. We have the four covers and we don't go through them all in a day unless one of the babes has a massive poop and soils it. We put the used ones in the
Fuzzi Bunz bag and then after all the girls are in bed we throw it all in the wash. We are using All Free detergent, which was listed as safe to use with the flip diapers. I run them through a cold rinse cycle first and then a wash cycle that washes hot and rinses with cold and then a second cold rinse. Then if I am still up I throw them in the dryer on medium or I just toss them in the dryer when I get up at 5am to pump. *I should add that the covers shouldn't go in the dryer, I just toss mine over a chair back to dry* Then I stack them up in a nice pile for the day and we are good to go.
I wasn't planning on using the cloth wipes but since the person selling the wet bag also had some cloth wipes, I thought I would give it a try. I put them in a wipes warmer with water, baby soap and baby oil and the babes seem to love them. They actually smile when I clean them up now and I can use them to wipe off their little faces in the morning as well (before wiping their behinds of course!!). I just toss them in the wet bag with the inserts and wash them with the rest of the stuff. My husband isn't so keen on the soap, oil solution so I am going to try and find a different solution to mix up. I am just using plain old water for now.
The only part I don't like is the poop, but they make these
neat little sprayers
peapods a visit and see how easy cloth diapering has become!!