Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post and answer them. Brought to you by: Holly
Questions for Friday, August 6:
1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?
I am a neat sleeper and tend to wake up in the same exact position I went to bed in. I have been a crazy sleeper from time to time and even gave an old boyfriend a bloody nose in the middle of the night once.
2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.
Confident and able to say it like it is!!
3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?
That boys aren't worth it. I wasted so much of my time on boys instead of myself. I really wish I could go back and take care of myself instead of focusing on those silly boys.
4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?
I'm not much of a garage sale person, but my husband is. He found a Peg Perego Triplette stroller that was in perfect condition at a garage sale for $30!!!! I told him to snatch up that bad boy for me and I used it a ton for daycare.
5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?
Lobster and crab rolls directly from Maine. I think they are the best thing I have ever eaten in my life and I would love some right now. Anyone willing to bring some to me?
For more 5Q Friday visit Mama M
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