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Friday, August 6, 2010

In Booby News.....

I am trying to get on a schedule with pumping and work and I am trying to not let it stress me out, but it is sure making me tired.  I had to work my first 5am shift on Wednesday and that meant that I had to get up at 3am in order to get ready and pump before leaving for work.  I got up at 3 with the intention of getting in the shower, but decided not to because I didn't want to wake anyone up and it was a good thing I didn't because I would have been late.  I must move slowly getting up that early because I just washed my face, pulled my hair back, brushed my teeth and got dressed and then sat down to pump.  I did my make-up while pumping to save time and I had to cut my session short to make it to work on time.  I am now pumping five times a day for 48-minutes each time and I really want to be able to get that in before heading off for the day so that the twins will have enough while I am gone and because I won't be able to pump again for around 8 hours.  I am also trying to figure out how to work the evening schedule as well because I think I will want to just shower the night before, pump and go to bed early.  I would ideally like to go to bed around 7pm, but I don't know how realistic that is.

It also appears that I have another crack starting..UGH!!

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