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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oh Blog, How I Have Missed Thee!

I have been so busy making lattes and frappuccinos that I haven't had much timer, or energy, to blog.  I have had a little bit of time to sneak into blog-world and read some of my favorite's, but that is about it. 

I am completely loving my job so far.  I really like most everyone I work with and actually look forward to going to work.  It has been a long time since I have enjoyed my work and it is so nice.  I love being able to have adult conversations and chat with people.  I sometimes find myself wanting to stay longer at work because I like it so much.  I hope it stays that way and I don't burn out too quickly.

I have been trying to keep up pumping around my work schedule and it was going smoothly, but then the dreaded crack returned, and then I got more, and ended up with 4-6 small cracks.  A few of the cracks reached each other and formed a giant crack.  I have been trying all of my tricks and dropping down to two pumps a day, reducing the time I pump and hand expressing to alleviate the pulling from the pump and nothing has worked.  Last night I tried to pump on a very low setting and the crack started to bleed heavily and I just felt disheartened.  I then took a gander at my other nipple and saw that it was forming a few cracks as well.  So here I sit deciding to quit pumping. I think my boobs have gone on strike and are telling me in their own way that they are done and have had enough!  I am sad and also a bit relieved.  I really wanted to make it to a year, just so I could say I did.  I am also upset that I donated most of my reserve of breast milk because I didn't think I would need it.  I would have a much easier time quitting if I knew I had all that frozen breast milk to use, but I don't.  I have given my babies a full 8-months of breast milk and will be able to continue to give them some for the next month or so. Peter and I have started mixing half breast milk with half organic formula and will continue to do so until we run out of breast milk.  I am looking forward to having the extra time to play with my babies and other kids, to not have to wear a nursing bra or tank, to not cringe in pain whenever someone hugged me or I bumped my own breast, to get a lot more sleep, and to be able to eat and drink whatever I want.  I am very fearful of gaining back all the weight I have lost, but hopefully I can have some determination to not let that happen

This all leads me to the fact that I am going to have to change the name of my blog.  I don't need to talk about my boobs anymore, but I have no idea what to title it now.  Any suggestions?  I'd love to hear them if you have them! 

I have so much more to say, but I don't have to work tomorrow and I really want to catch up on my sleep so off to bed I go.  Hopefully I won't be in too much pain and will be able to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

One Girl, Two Cracked, Bleeding, and Worn Out Boobs? Kidding! Glad you're liking your job, I'm thinking of doing that myself just to have a new focus.