I have been meaning to blog about this for a while now and since my fellow blogger, Breastfeeding Mama is having a little giveaway, I guess it is the perfect time.
I first heard about Rockin' Green Soap from my local cloth diapering store, Peapods. I hadn't really given much thought to what soap I was going to use for my cloth diapers and just decided to go with All Free & Clear because it was listed as safe for my diapers, it was cheap and I could get it anywhere. Something about this soap caught my eye though. It could have been the excitement that Peapods conveyed about finally stocking it or the juicy scents it was available in. I mean who can resist "Smashing Watermelons" or "Motley Clean"?? Not me. I am a sucker for clever names (why I love OPI nail polish) and yummy smelling things (why I have a zillion scented candles) so I figured I should get some.
Peapods was having their annual sidewalk sale and I figured I would just pick some up then, but amidst all the chaos and long lines I mistakenly grabbed "Bare Naked Babies", aka the unscented variety of Rockin' Green and didn't notice it until after I ripped the bag open, poured some in my wash and waited for the delish scent of Lavender-Mint to waft up from my Kenmore and tickle my nose. So. Disappointed.
My little bag of Rockin' Green Hard Rock in Bare Naked Babies did not continue to disappoint me though. My inserts were repelling and my babies bums were getting a little rashy and after my very first wash in my rockin' new soap, the problem disappeared!! I started to read up on all the reviews people were leaving on both the Rockin' Green website and on their Facebook page and decided I needed to a) buy some more in a scent this time! and b) start experimenting with my new miracle of miracles soap.
I decided to "Rock a Soak" to make sure all of my All Detergent was out of my dipes. I had seen so many nasty pictures of stuff coming out of "clean" diapers and clothes that I had to give it a try. This is taken directly from Rockin' Green's FAQ's
To speed up the process, try Rockin' an overnight soak with 3 Tbs of Rockin' Green followed by several washes with nothing. Repeat the process until your diapers are fresh smelling again.
I did a cold rinse first to get all the "yuckies" off and then filled my washer with hot water and 3TBS of Rockin' Green and let it soak overnight. The next morning I lifted the lid to see some nasty dark, hazy water (and later regretted not taking a picture). I then ran a hot wash cycle followed by two cold rinses. My diapers smelled clean, and I'm not talking about smelling like Tide, they smelled like nothing, nothing but clean. After that I had to tackle my monstrous laundry pile (and it gave me a reason to use up my unscented stuff while I waited for my "Rage Against the Raspberries"!!!) The water from all my laundry loads was nasty and I was amazed by the the amount of residue soap that was lurking in my clothes! There were a few items I didn't get stains out of like I had hoped, but some items came out looking brand new. One of my favorite blankets came out looking glorious. It had a nice sheen to it and I kept looking back at it while folding the rest of my clothes to see if it looked the same or if I had taken to hallucinating. I also noticed an amazing change in a pair of my husbands pants. Before I put them in the wash they felt kind of stiff or rough, but I just assumed it was the fabric, but boy was I wrong! I took them out of the dryer and they were so incredibly soft! I wasn't looking for a change and I didn't expect them to come out feeling differently from when I put them in, but the minute I grabbed them I was stunned by their softness. I even had to bring them out and have my husband feel them, but he was not nearly as excited as I was.
I plan to write some more on Rockin' Green and do a few laundry experiments of my own in the future (and remember to take pictures), but my twins are crying and I need to go feed them so I must bid you all adieu!
Happy Rockin'!!!!
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