This morning I just sent out 1380oz of breast milk. That means that I have managed to feed my own twins nothing but breast milk, donate over 18 gallons to another set of twins and still have a little stash left. You might as well just start calling me 'Bessy'. Part of me thought about keeping the rest of the frozen breast milk and not donating it so I could stop and just use up the frozen milk and then end up with formula, but I just couldn't disappoint the recipient. I did not promise her a certain amount or anything, but I felt obligated none-the-less. My husband didn't think I should have shipped it off, but he said he understood why I did.
I am struggling with continuing to pump because part of me really, really, really wants to be done. My boobs are always sore and sensitive and I am battling more and more cracks. I also want some free time back in my life. I feel as though I am always pumping or feeding.
I know it is good for the twins and has to be helping them grow so well and keeping them so healthy. I feel that I am obligated to keep on pumping since I was gifted with such rock star boobs. I am also afraid that if I stop pumping I will gain back all of the weight I have lost and that is honestly what really keeps me going.
I just don't know what to do and I am going to be starting at a new job on Thursday and I am not so sure I can keep up with the pumping once I am working more. Do any of you fine ladies out in the blogoshpere have any opinions, ideas on what to do or magic cures for sore nipples?
I think it's great that you've donated that much milk!! How old are the twins?
Job well done, mama. Once I got to 6 months, I thought for sure I'd make it to a year. But M wanted to wean around 8 months and I wouldn't let him. It was a rough 2 months until I finally weaned them both at 10 months. They took formula for two months and went to cow's milk at one year with barely a burp. (Really? You didn't miss me or anything?) I thought I would miss it, but nope.
You're going to need to wean slowly, for yourself. The books will say to go 5-7 days between dropping each feeding, which I wish I had done. I dropped 4 feedings over the course of a week and I was HURTING for two weeks! And I think you're making WAY more milk than I was at that time. It was painful. Good luck.
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