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Monday, May 24, 2010

I Checked Out of Life

  When times get tough for me, I go and hide.  I disengage from the world to try to regain some focus and control in my life.  I am trying to step back in, one keystroke at a time, so here is a little boobie related post to keep things light.

About a week ago I sustained my first exclusively pumping nipple injury, the all-dreaded nipple crack.  Then another and another all on the same nipple.  Nothing had changed in my pumping routine so I am not sure what caused it, especially since my other boob was actually doing much better than it ever had, but there it was, a big bloody cracked nipple.

I really had no idea what to do about it.  How are you supposed to heal your nipple when you put it in a pump six times a day that pulls it and squishes it continuously?  I tried to use a larger horn size, that didn't work.  I tried to use some lanolin again, that didn't work.  I tried a vinegar and water soak, that didn't work.  I then resorted to pumping my right while hand expressing the left, and that left me even more sore.  I ended up with a cracked nipple and giant bruised boob. I also only got about half the volume when hand expressing and I am pretty sure I also got a giant plugged duct.  I cried, I rubbed, I aired it out, I hoped that I wouldn't get an infection and I contemplated quitting altogether. 

Since I am not a quitter and am usually quite resourceful when it comes to figuring things out, I hit google in search of a solution to my bleeding, oozing nipple.    I found a recipe for a prescription all-purpose nipple ointment that I could bring in to my doctor in hopes that she would prescribe it, but I also found one that I could mix up on my own.  I decided to give it a try.

The all-purpose nipple ointment (apno) called for triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief, such as neosporin; Lotrimin A.F., and hydrocortisone ointment (not cream).  You mix equal amounts together and apply after each pumping session.  I was skeptical that this would work, but I had to give it a try.  It has been almost 24 hours and my freakin nipple is almost back to normal!  Who would have thought it would work that quickly?  I didn't.  I might just slathering this stuff on everything from now on. 

A happy, healthy nipple makes for a happy, healthy Mama!

Here is a link that talks about different options when dealing with nipple trauma:

1 comment:

Kim and Steve said...

I'm so glad you made your own ointment! Halfway through reading this, I thought, I'm going to find her and get my leftover apno to her - I can't bear to throw it out because it's MAGICAL! And I paid a bunch of bucks for it and drove to a very far away pharmacy for it because no regular pharmacy can make it up - trust me on that one. Glad things are going better for you.