I've always done better with guys as my friends. You know why? Because they aren't bitchy-backstabbing-passive aggressive-secretly want to be better than you-jealous-wish you were fatter than them-type of people. They tend to tell it how it is. If you piss them off, they will tell you. If they need something, they will tell you. They won't beat around the bush and secretly hope you will read their mind. They don't mind if you are thinner than them or have better shoes than them. They don't play as many games, like keeping track of how long it has been since you called them last and refusing to call you just to see how long it will go on and then throwing it in your face as soon as they get the opportunity. Nope, a guy will call you and say "hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you too busy playing with your boobies to give me a call?".
I don't have many close guy friends anymore because they got married to women who don't like them to have friends that are females. Bitches. I also have very few women friends because they get all whiny and bitchy and then I start acting female and bitchy. Yes, I get bitchy. Very bitchy and very female. How do you expect me to know so much about females if I didn't act like one at times. I used to give my guy friends great advice because I knew exactly what bitchy-female games their girlfriends were playing or what lies they were trying to get away with. I knew it because I could be just like them.
I try to keep my bitchy persona in check and most of the time I succeed. I really don't care if my girlfriends call me everyday or every 3 months, really I don't. I don't keep track of who called me last or how long it has been. I do however notice when they are being a complete and total bitch and not being a friend in return.
I have a friend at the moment who has the potential of becoming a blister. I am not sure if I should put a band-aid on it and let it heal and see what happens or if I should let that blister form, pop it and tell it to 'fuck-off'.
What to do, what to do........
Maybe I should try some of this.
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