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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh No She Didn't!

Oh yes I did! 
My morning pumping session yields a lot of breast milk, usually 18-22 ounces.  I covet my breast milk like it is precious gold.  I work hard for my milk and want to use every last drop.

This morning I put it on the counter as usual, but I only put caps on two of the bottles for some reason.  M&M (my daughters Mia and Melanie) were making their lunches for the day and one of them knocked over a bottle one of the fullest bottles.  My brain went a little haywire as I saw the crime scene.  Breast milk oozing off my counter, droplets of it sitting askew, and most of it haphazardly wiped up with paper towels-trying to hide the evidence.  What was I to do?  Should I yell at M&M?  Should I cry?  Should I call CSI?  I COULD NOT just throw it in the garbage.  What a waste that would be.

So I did it.  I gathered up the paper towels and then grabbed a few more towels to make sure I wiped up every last drop.  Then I carried it ever-so-carefully over to my dogs food dish and wrung those suckers out!!  Yep, I fed my breast milk to my dog.  I did it.  I admit it.  I will do it again. 

I just couldn't waste it and I couldn't wring it out and feed it to my babies, so I had to feed it to someone. 

I'm sorry Joe (our dog).  I won't tell the neighbor dogs what happened if you don't.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I worry about the cheese and crackers for wouldn't...oh no, you wouldn't!!